Deploying the api with containers

How to deploy the api using the official apydox-api docker image

The official docker image for the apydox api can be found here:

You will find some light documentation for providing configuration and running the api with docker for development purposes or running on your own bare metal server or cloud compute instance at the link above.

As an alternative to serverless functions and API gateway you can deploy the apydox api is as a docker service either as a docker container running on a virtual private server or cloud compute instance (e.g. Amazon EC2) or a docker service running in a cloud container service such as Amazon ECS.

If you want to utilise existing cloud infrastructure to run and manage docker containers for you follow the guide here (Recommended):

pageDeploying in a cloud container service

If you want full control and to manage your own server the api will be running on follow the guide provided here:

pageDeploying in a cloud compute instance

Last updated